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Sunday, February 20, 2022

the best thing about mechanics

The best thing about being with a mechanic they literally dont ask for much, you could walk in the door " babe im having a girls night next week" and 9 times outta 10 their response is going to be ok have fun be safe.... Why because they have a fridge full of left overs, there favorite beer on hand, and a shop full of there toys.... They will probably call the boys over and just drink and work on some shit. You never have to worry about them answering their phone because with all the power tools and stuff going they wont hear it ring even if you call. 😂 

And if they do complain just go to few car shows with them ask a few random questions about each car they talk about and its going to be alot. My goto questions are( well what kinda oil do ya think they put in it or, Wonder how fast itll go down the drag strip) And they will be happy, because your with them and they think your interested... honestly when it starts to get boring just grab your phone and take some pictures and when they ask just say just say you wanna hang these pictures around the shop. It will make them happy. 

Also car shows have some fantastic food so you might actually enjoy it. 

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