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Friday, February 25, 2022

part store errand

Running to a part store for your mechanic because he can't leave the shop can be super annoying and stressful, the sales associate at the part store can be real jackals especially  if your a women some want to treat you like an idiot which leads you to write down all the information you need for the vehicle & part so you don't risk getting anything wrong but still the sales associate  ends up giving you the wrong part and I have a theory why. 

The sales associate sees us as a clueless women  that doesn't know anything about a car so they will try to sell us the wrong part and more to make more money ( that's not a shocker though) so to stop that from happening and to give yourself a little confidence boost when your mechanic gives you the year,make,model, part name, write it all down then go to your local part store website look it up write down( on the same paper you have the other information)the part number. Then go to and look the same thing up because the description will more accurate and you'll have a better picture quality of the part to look at. Then before leaving your house practice what your going to say and when you arrive at the part store DO NOT hand them the piece of paper answer their questions and when they look it up on the computer ask for the part number DO NOT GIVE THEM THE PART NUMBER. Ask them to read you the part number or show it to you.....If it doesn't match what you have written it is the wrong part. Also when they grab the part to show you, take a picture of it send it to your mechanic ask if it's the right one and also look at the part see if it matches what you saw from, while waiting for a response from your mechanic ask about the part warranty if there is no warranty  DO NOT BUY IT your mechanic will know why and love you even more... always save the receipt do not hand them to your mechanic  they will either lose it or get it so covered in whatever they have on them to the point you can't read it anymore. DO NOT TRUST your part store computers to have it on file. 

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